Obtain information on how your body works, stretches, exercises, and much more.

(For Chiropractic Emergency):

844-4ChiroF [1-844-424-4763]

The Chiro Factor at Spa Stinny
1630 Scenic Hwy, Unit Y
Snellville, GA 30078
Ph: 678-400-6711

Qualified Doctor

All our doctors are licensed professionals who perform specific chiropractic adjustments to address the patient’s current chief complaint.

Emergent Care

Some headaches can be debilitating. Therefore, we offer the emergent care when available for a doctor or massage therapist to visit a patient on-site to help relieve their current debilitating status. Call or text the emergency care hotline for availability.


We Are Here For You

The chronic compression of the piriformis muscle causes numbness and tingling down the side of the leg to the knee and sometimes to the foot. Massage and chiropractic can release this compression with a specific regime for the patient. Evaluation of the patient’s activities that cause such this condition will be done to help remove the chronic nature of the condition.

Who we are

YouR Right Hand to wellness

You come first. You are why we became servants in healthcare. We want to bond with you by offering a right hand in agreement to be partners in your health care. We aim to be a positive factor in your everyday life that makes you better. When you are better your family thrives. When your family thrives the community improves. When the community improves the world evolves.

Our Service

Massage Therapy

We provide massage therapy in conjunction with chiropractic care to expedite the healing process for each patient. We work with Spa Stinny Massage staff to help meet your healing and maintenance needs.

Our Service


We provide chiropractic adjustments to patients to remove any nerve interference within the  vertebral column and postural misalignments to improve patient function and prevent bodily dysfunction inside and out.

Our Service

Headache Relief

Chiropractic adjustments and massage therapy focused in a patient’s cervical region typically relieve active headaches. Our goal is to determine the causes of each patient’s specific type of headache and develop a customized care regime to prevent headaches without the use of drugs.

Our Service

Auto Accidents

We work in coordination with patients, attorneys, and/or insurance companies to provide the care and documentation the patient needs to heal from their accident with maximum compensation for the care required for recovery.

More Detailed Services

Functional Movement Assessments

Medical Doctor Referrals

Postural Analysis

Workspace Ergonomic Analysis

Our Team

The Chiro Factor Doctor

Dr. Jerrel Jones, DC, LMT
Doctor of Chiropractic and Massage Therapist

Contact us